08. October 2022

Phase transitions number 3

Nuria Hoeyng

Merav Leibküchler

Vilja Mihalovsky

Lena Strützke

Anne-Kathrin Tismer


Phase transitions vol 3

Sun, October 9th at 4pm
At the park in front of Scharaun
Jungfernheideweg 4, 13629 Berlin

Additional venues

October 1+2 at 4:30pm Scharoun Platz in front of Philharmonie

October 8th at 4:30pm at Märkisches Viertel in front of the houses of Chen Kuen Lee between Senftenberger Ring and Calauer Straße

In their multi-part project PHASE TRANSITIONS, Nuria Hoeyng and Anne-Kathrin Tismer, NEWSTARDANCECOMPANY/MAASA, deal with physical processes, which they interpret choreographically. Lawful structures and rules alternate with dance improvisations in interaction with public space and architecture.

Concept, idea, choreography Nuria Hoeyng, Anne-Kathrin Tismer
Dance Merav Leibküchler, Vilja Mihalovsky, Lena Strützke, Anne-Kathrin Tismer
Costume design Nora Fuchs, Nuria Hoeyng, Merav Leibküchler, Anne-Kathrin Tismer
Production Manager Kristina Bernhardt Production Assistant Keno Tismer
Photography Bahar Kaygusuz
Music Yeong Die, Field recordings Anne-Kathrin Tismer,
music mix Nuria Hoeyng, audiotexts german homepage Anne-Kathrin Tismer, audiotexts finnish homepage Vilja Mihalovsky, audiotexts hebrew homepage Merav Leibküchler, dance translation of the audiotext homepage NEWSTARDANCECOMPANY-Togo

PHASE TRANSITIONS is a choreography of set structures and forms that follow complex rules which thereby modify themselves. The forms constantly change their state through phase transitions and in different reference systems.
We are waves/lines/dots bound in three-dimensional fields. We move in relation to matter/ mass/ molecules/ elementary particles; sound/ noise/ light/ energy; state of progressive entropy/ time. We draw our attention to the interaction of everything. In this way, new compositions are created in different places in public space and the places change in perception for those who saw it, due to the fact that something took place there. The invisible imprints of movement remain, just as our DNA is still detectable in places even when we are no longer there.

PHASE TRANSITIONS Vol 3 are four approximately eight minute long passages:

1. QUARKS - refers as dance choreography to a period of time from one-nine-million-nine-hundred ninety-nine-thousand-nine-hundredths of a second, at the beginning of our universe, after it is 100 nanoseconds old, to when it is one centisecond old. There is space, gravity, and quarks, which are small particles of matter floating around loosely. A phase transition takes place: the quark-hadron transition. Grids form, form in one place, once even, very briefly, a quartet is formed. We extend this period to eight minutes. A very precise drifting according to its own rules.

We skip 100 trillion years.

2. CLUMPING - all stars of our universe are now white or brown dwarfs. Clumped galaxies. Matter moves in a circle towards mass points. We clump in beautiful motions around a point.

3. DRIFTING - very slowly we drift towards the center of the mass point. Almost it seems as if we would stop. Quarks are again pushed out of the formation by gravity and we are again single and yet close together. Then the mass point evaporates and we buzz around again as quarks.

4. INTEGRAL - is a dancing analogy to a new universe being created. We take everything that was and create integrals of our previous movements: a horizontal line becomes an oblique line, then a curve, then maybe a polynomial, then a spiral, and so on. We look away from each other and around us. We move around our previously danced movements as if they had left imprints. After about eight minutes, our new universe is ready. Then we move aside.

Many thanks to Theaterhaus Mitte.

Supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative

More information at

Photo: Abrie Fourie 2021